Contribution! Why not

We welcome contribution to the CERTIFY project with open arms. It is a community driver project and it is the community which governs, develops, builds, tests, monitors and utilizes the CERTIFY platform. The users and developers of the CERTIFY framework can contribute in many ways. Let’s together build an open source platform of IoT devices and services.

Before, you prepare yourself to report a bug or making pull request, please review the CERTIFY Code of Conduct. It gives an overview of guidelines to maintain the decorum in the community.

Types of Contribution

As a user:

  • Feature proposal

  • Enhancement proposal

  • Bugs reporting

  • Testing

As a Developer

  • Fixing open issues

  • Make feature/enhancement proposal and implement them

  • Improve documentation


The CERTIFY project is consist of multiple members. The core maintainers spearhead the all development related activities. They are in-charge of reviewing and merging all pull requests in respective component of CERTIFY, maintaining documentation, release road-map etc.

GitHub Contributions

All source files of CERTIFY project are hosted on Github. Developer who wants to contribute in code base, they should follow the GitHub Contribution Guidelines.